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Data integration

  1. Manual
    1. In this stage, data is handled manually within an organisation. Think manual inputs into excel sheets sent as static files over email. (FINALVERSION.FINAL2.FINALFINAL.xlsx). An answer to one problem is found once, if we want to solve the same problem again in the future we have to remake the solution from scratch. Technology of previous century, you can do better than that!
  2. Data silos
    1. We get there with IMPLEMENTATION of data collection systems
    2. Step up, when various departments have their own data collection and presentation tools. Think Google Analytics for marketing, CRM for product, SAP for finance and something else for logistics. They now can continuously answer critical business questions with little effort for data collection, but usually with limited flexibility. More importantly, each of these systems talks in a different language. If you say Revenue, each department understands something different. So to avoid misunderstandings, they do not talk at all